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Cybersecurity Consulting & Advisory Services

Cyber Risk Quantification

Break down the silos between Business and Technology executives by finding a common language for Cyber and Technology Risk!

The Board and business executives have different backgrounds and speak a different language than technical executives (CISO, CIO and CTO). It's quite common for technical executives to articulate Cyber OR technology risks with a rainbow of colors or apocalyptic scenarios. This ambiguity leads to confusion and communication breakdowns between the business and technology executives which either results in overspending on Cyber Security and other IT controls without a clear return on investment, or in financial loss to the organization resulting from data loss, a cyber attack or an environmental failure within the technology infrastructure. If you find yourself in the same situation you are not alone!

Nebotain’s Cyber Risk Quantification Program Development service is intended to remove the language barrier between the business and technology executives and guides the organization in developing a common and financially quantifiable language of Cyber and Technology Risk. The program's main goal is to harmonize communication flows to achieve optimal, cost-effective risk management across the organization.

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Do away with your risk matrices and heat maps!



Transform your cyber heat maps to financially quantifiable cyber loss scenarios.



Demonstrate return on investment for Cyber Security initiatives.



Get Buy-In from your stakeholders and keep them engaged with a common risk language.

please fill out our contact form.

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Risk Based Security Compliance

Apply quantified risk based decisions to your technical compliance program!

Compliance audits are a substantial part of any Cyber Security and IT Risk program. The challenge with audits is that findings are not represented in a manner that dictates the correct business priority. How do you differentiate between each finding and weakness or how do you prioritize what needs to get done first? Does 100% technical compliance mean that your organization has a stronger cyber security posture?

Nebotain's Risk based Security Compliance program takes a quantified Risk based Compliance approach by working with your Business and Technical teams and translating the Audit findings OR compliance requirements into measurable and understandable Risk statements that address realistic Risk scenarios. Risk based compliance programs are a sign of cost effective governance practices that balance between risk and compliance. The process keeps Executives engaged and Auditors aware that compliance is not neglected but managed.

Demonstrate maturity and governance!



Transform your audit findings to financially quantifiable cyber loss scenarios.



Demonstrate return on investment for compliance requirements.



Get Buy-In from your stakeholders and keep them engaged with cost effective compliance.

please fill out our contact form.

Incident Response Program Development

Enhance your capability to detect and respond to Cyber Security Incidents and reduce negative impact to the organization.

When all protective controls fail to resist a threat actor breaching your environment or launching a denial of service attack against your products and services, your last line of defense is your capability to respond to an incident and mitigate its impact as quickly and efficiently as possible. We understand that for many organizations, creating a cyber incident response capability is overwhelming, and engaging an experienced provider to systematically and effectively assess and support the organization’s journey in Cyber Incident Response is crucial.

Nebotain’s Incident Response Program Development service is intended to develop and enhance your maturity level in detecting and responding to Cyber Security Incidents in order to decrease their negative impact to the organization. The program is intended to build your Cyber Incident Response capability from the ground up or augment your current capabilities by enhancing your Incident response strategy, plan, playbooks, personnel and technologies.

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Demonstrate maturity and vigilance!



Discover the limitations of current technical controls and incident response capability.



Enhance your capability to detect and respond to Cyber Security Incidents and manage crisis situations.



Raise awareness and fact based justification to drive further support and buy-in from business executives.

please fill out our contact form.